Special Meditation Session and Kriya Yoga Revision at Los Angeles, USA

His Holiness Sadguru Yogiraj Sri Sri Mangeshda conducted a special meditation session on the 28th Aug and held a Kriya Yoga revision session on the 30th Aug 2013 at Los Angeles, USA.
As reported by Kriyaban Ajoy Kumar from Los Angeles, USA:
The evening meditation session was very different. This time His Holiness Sadguru Yogiraj Sri Sri Mangeshda combined small theories with large practical meditation sessions. He explained a small session of the science of spirituality and made the participants do practicals .......similar to the famous 80:20 rule in reverse.....20 percent theory and 80 percent action. How the five senses act in equillibrium, how we forget things, our sense of observation, the reason for reluctance, what is memory, what is action and reaction, what is alertness, what is faith......in fact what is the "Everyday War" each one of us go through and how much we won how much they won; was clearly demonstrated.
The best part was the explanation of "Attunement" .....posing a question Sadguruji asked...." During the Great War, it was not only Arjuna who was listening to Lord Krishna about the Science of KRIYA YOGA....there were two more people.....Sanjaya and the king Dhidharastra.....then how come only Arjuna was enlightened and not the other two??" Then he explained the meaning of Initiation or Diksha in Kriya Yoga and why it is important. Amazing! Standing in a corner in the ' finger - in - the - mouth' state i was just thinking may be its a coincidence that there are eighteen chapters and eighteen days of war. Maybe Lord Krishna would have taught Arjuna one verse each day followed by action for the full day in the battlefield! Next day the next one! Maybe thats what Dada demonstrated in the evening! But one thing was very clear after the evening, Lord Krishna never explained the entire Bhagwat Geeta in one go in between the two advancing armies and it was the initiation process that was complete before the actual knowledge was passed on. And that each one has to fight his own battle, there is no ' Theory ' route available even if you are Arjuna!
Tomorrow Sadguruji is giving the pious Kriya Yoga Diksha to few aspirants.....coming from various parts of America.....to be part of those 18 verses....to fight their own battles in far away lands....keeping aloft their faith in their beloved Krishna....Till the end.....were results are by products and only actions are counted!!