Mahashivratri Mahasatsang

Har Har Mahadev! Har Har Mahadev!! Har Har Mahadev!!!
The Mayor's Hall witnessed these pious words many a times and they were with real force! What a great evening it was. This year's Mahashivratri was significant because it was a massive victory of positivity over negativity. Revered Sadguruji had faced immense health challenges in the last 5 months and He has come out of it & come out in a stronger way. Hence this year's Mahasatsang was all the more important and special.
The evening started with melodious Bhajan Sandhya… The Bhajan Mandali consisted of Ashalata, Hemangi, Asha, Kanu, Sandeep, Aishwarya, Nivedita, Archana & Sanjay. They sang melodious bhajans & the Auditorium was flowing with Bhakti Ras. Nilesh Potphode played flute wonderfully well. Nivedita also presented a wonderful dance performance which was depicting what is OM NAMAH SHIVAY.
Sadguruji, in his "Aashirvachan', talked about the recent challenges in His life. He spoke about some of the past events in His life where He had faced such turbulent situation. And importantly, how He always came back with great vengeance. He narrated importance of Mahashivaratri & its importance in His life. He also talked about the Poison-Nectar relationship. How the nectar will always nullify poison. Sadguruji also stressed the importance of how the positive thoughts bring changes in one's body.
Sadguruji also announced an ambitious program to start Sex Education seminars for children. More details on this will follow soon.
We all Thank you Sadguruji for a wonderful and blissful evening! We are blessed!!
Hari Om!!