Guru Purnima Mahasatsang

Glimpses of the Guru Purnima Mahasatsang on 16th July 2019, in the divine presence of H.H. Sadguru Yogiraj Dr. Mangeshda. The jam packed audience were a witness to the rich culture and talent of the Foundation. The program started with melodious bhajans from various Kriyabans. For the first time, our own little master Shubham, gave sangaat to the bhajan singers with his tabla followed by a beautiful solo tabla rendition by Shubham. Later on, Namrata Duvvuri, from Singapore centre, showcased her Bharatnatyam skills with grace and elegance.
The main performance of the evening was "Yogaanubhav". An unique concept directed & choreographed by Sadguruji himself. Various Kriyabans showcased their Yoga asan skills with elegance and panache. The performers age varied from 8 years to 87 years. What an inspiration to all of us.
As per tradition, Sadguruji chooses two Kriyabans every year as Best Kriyabans who have selflessly devoted themselves for the Foundation. This year's Best Kriyaban awardees were Maithili Karnad and Aparna Nirgude. Heartiest congratulations to both.
Then came the moment which all were eagerly awaiting for. Sadguruji's Ashirvachan. Sadguruji was in full flow and glow in His Ashirvachan. His amritvani, pearls of wisdom, it was simply superb. He gave some glimpses of a Guru Shishya relationship and how a true Sadhaka should be. It was a great eye opener and a learning experience.
Sadguruji's ashirvachan can be experienced here
Kudos to all the volunteers and organisers for their selfless service and all the behind the scene activities to ensure smooth functioning of the entire program. Thank you Sadguruji for everything. Jai Gurudev. Hari Om.