"Self Defence For Women" at LIC India

As narrated by Kriyaban Shri Hrishikesh Ambaye
Sadguru Yogiraj Sri Sri Mangeshda conducted the workshop 'Self Defence For Women' at Life Insurance Corporation Of India, Corporate Office, Mumbai. This was a workshop for the women officials of the Corporation and it was primarily arranged by NOINO, a very strong & passionate Trade Union in LIC.
Starting from college students, housewives....and now to various corporates, Sadguruji is slowly covering all segments of women in His crusade. This crusade is to make the women of our country tougher and to stand up and face the challenges posed by distraughted elements in our society.
The workshop was well organized. It started with Sadguruji making immediate connection with a huge group of more than 400 participants. Sadguruji was at His best and He conveyed His teachings in a lesser time fantastically well! Sadguruji drove home the first lesson in self defense - the use of voice as a crucial weapon. He demonstrated that in this ' Fight and Flight ' method of self defence, a weak voice is generally attributed to a weak personality and people take advantage of this. He highlighted that in India right from a young age women are always asked to keep their voice low and suppress all emotions. He said that it was now time to come out of this trap and express yourself. He demonstrated that shouting and screaming at the right time is not a sign of weakness but it may sometimes save life and dignity.
Then came the use of physical activity. As Sadguruji is a black belt in Karate, He demonstrated the use of fist, knuckle, various kicks and throws, lethal punches and Slaps. He demonstrated that simple slaps used effectively can cause a great injury to the intruder. He demonstrated the use of fingers and nails in close combat and how one can momentarily imbalance the opponent. ...time enough to escape and look for help. He explained that offense is always a good defense but quickly escaping from the situation is also a smart option. He asked some of the participants to perform in groups to get an almost real time experience. It was a treat to watch this session.
The demo on the fight against weapons, like a lathi, brought in a lot of cheers from the ladies. The use of energy was clearly demonstrated and He advised the group to practice Yoga and Pranayams on a daily basis to keep fit and healthy. He explained that offense is the best defense but the best way is to escape from the situation smartly and seek additional help.
The workshop was conducted with simplicity, practicality, anecdotes and full of humour! It was as in corporate lingo ' Learning with Fun!'
He also informed the participants of self defence gadgets available in the market and how to use them for self defense. The option of keeping simple home remedies handy in their carry bag was also discussed.
Thank you Sadguruji for such a great and interactive workshop. The LICians really had a great time learning.
Overall Sadguruji made the ladies realise that the hand which rocks the cradle can also break a few ribs and smash a skull when need arises!!
The occasion was International Women's Day and we must first congratulate NOINO for thinking differently and arranging this program for working women of LIC. And they should be applauded for selecting Revered Sadguruji for this special session.
10th of March 2016 will be remembered as a great value added day by all participants! We must also mention the special efforts taken by Kriyaban Aruna Seth & Pratima Irde in making this event successful.
Dwell into the experience through these pictures.
Hari Om.