Vasant Panchami Program

Glimpses of the Vasant Panchami Cultural program, conducted on 26th Jan 2020, at Mumbai, in the divine presence of H.H. Sadguru Yogiraj Dr. Mangeshda.
Any program which comes on stage for 2 plus hours, has hundreds of hours of cumulative time and effort put into its preparation. Everybody takes time to practice, everyone takes pride in the fact that they have to perform before the audience and that adds more flavour to it. Our Foundation's rich talent was evident once again. Right from Mayra's performance of Ganesh Vandana to Bum Bum Bole till Senorita by CA Girish Dhoot, was a beautifully woven mala! Sudeep on keyboard, Master Shubham showing his master class on Tabla, Varun and Rajeev Raval presenting Rehman theme on Guitar and a beat box. Performer of the day, Prathamesh Tambe, rendering a soulful bhajan, Ruchi Parikh presenting an apt Ganesha song on Maghi Utsav day, Sandeep Yederi and Vijay Mane with beautiful movie song renditions... the list is endless! Archana Mangalore, Mithila Gaitonde and Gauri Thatte presenting a brilliant Natya Sangeet - Sangeet Sharda with a social message! Krishna Bodke's as always superlative dance performance, Vatsal Parikh's comic act, little Meha's lovely performance and finally a blissful skit depicting achievements of International Yoga Competition at Bali, Indonesia (where the Foundation team members represented India and won 8 gold, 4 silver and 4 bronze medals)! All performers were flawless & it was sheer bliss to witness this special act! It’s worth mentioning that the act was conceived, written and directed by Revered Sadguruji! And the entire program coming to the fore with Sadguruji's grace and blessings. And to end the program, Sadguruji's Aashirvachan.

Each performance was simply amazing and while the kids stirred our emotions, the others were superb in their own stead. The entire event was ably compered by the father-daughter duo of Sandip Pandya and Parmeshwari. Kudos to all the volunteers for all the arrangements.
Thank You Sadguruji for the untiring efforts taken by you for this program! You were immediately in action with team after a five-day Vipassana Session, rehearsing and coaching team on many finer aspects of theatre and other activities. You were cheering, guiding every performer in every possible way! Hari Om.