Kriya Yoga Diksha (Initiation) at New Delhi

The historic Kriya Diksha took place in the capital region of India. This was the first time since fighting a winning battle against death that Sadguruji gave the Diksha outside of Mumbai.
The momentum had been building up since a few years and the Self Recognition and Development sessions as well as the Stress Management session increased the intention of devotees to get the pious Diksha.
Finally the day was fixed. 21st June 2014 it was. Spiritual aspirants from the NCR region and as far as Indore reached at the appointed time. The devotees experienced high level energy as the rare Kriya Diksha ceremony was done to worship and awaken the five elements.
After the diksha, Sadguruji started sharing the ancient and scientific techniques of Kriya Yoga. Sadguruji being the direct disciple of Param Guru Sri Sri Mahavtara Babaji, was in his inimitable form, teaching and sharing His Himalayan experiences. What was a touching moment was to see physically challenged people doing the Kriya's with ease proving that if a person is determined and has full faith in the Guru, one can overcome physical obstacles.
Kudos to Sunil and Archana Hakhu and the entire Delhi team for the grand organisation as the entire event was successfully conducted as per tradition and plan. It's just a starting point to more such pious events in the time to come.