Residential Kriya Yoga Camp at Village

Summarization of Kriya Yoga camp as narrated by Kriyaban Shri. Manoj Nair
My humble Pranams at thy Divine Lotus Feet SADGURUJI, heartfelt attitude of gratitude to thou for taking time out of thy busiest and hectic schedule for this Rare and Memorable High Intensity Residential Kriya Yoga Camp.
The day started on a memorable & emotional note for all the disciples, The great Himalayan Kriya yoga Master waiting at our Spiritual Ashram, to receive each of his disciples, after reaching the Ashram before all of us and personally ensuring that everything is in order, for the 2 day Intense Residential Kriya Yoga camp. A true mark of humility, simplicity, and Unconditional Love...Thank you Sadguruji.
As the day started, Sadguruji demystified the teachings of ancient science of KRIYA YOGA through his introductory lecture to each of us, and the various, meditations & secret techniques, that were to give us the essence of his Teachings. It reminds me of the famous Nirguni Bhajan of the legendry Hindustani vocalist Kumar Gandharva "Guruji Jaha Baithoo Waha Chayaa Ji"...The divine bliss of sitting at the lotus feet of the Great Himalayan Kriya Yogi, and be blessed with non-stop priceless pearls of wisdom, with real life applications of the powerful teachings was absolutely, spell binding and very mystic. To add to the divine intensity, was the serene atmosphere of our Pious "Kriya Yoga Ashram", designed by the Great Master himself, a perfect blend of nature and scenery, that totally sweeps one of his feet...the energy levels felt by each of the participant was truly magnanimous, and high intensity.
Sadguruji opened the day with the definition of Self realization, for the benefit of all of us, and the correct methodology of Kriya Yoga Sadhana, that one should adhere, to derive maximum benefits and progress on all aspects of life. Kriya Yoga Sadhana doesn't restrict to sitting for 30 or 45 minutes and doing the sadhana, Kriya Yoga Sadhana is a way of life, what we do during the sadhana, reflects in our body, mind, behavior, and in our interactions...so how to incorporate Kriya Yoga into each and every aspect of our day to day life, with simplicity and ease, was well demonstrated by Sadguruji for our benefit.
How to differentiate between ones intellect and wisdom,and how to use one's intellect and wisdom at the appropriate time, with easy to understand examples was clearly explained and demonstrated by Sadguruji, time and again during the two days of intense Kriya Yoga camp. Sadguruji emphasized on the importance of Guru tatva, and the significance of having a Sadguru in ones life. A Sadguru is not in your life to answer your questions one after the other, but to guide you and take you to the ultimate goal of ones life. So rather that wasting time in asking questions and waiting for answers, we should use our wisdom and practice the powerful and time tested teachings of Kriya Yoga and get the answers from within.
The Highlight of the Kriya Camp was the simplified and easiest to understand definition of Bhagawat Gita, that Sadguruji explained for our benefit, each of us were left mesmerized and spell bound with the Law of KARMA, the myths and mysteries surrounding KARMA, and through the brief and crisp explanation of the Bhagwat, Sadguruji answered the questions that were popping in each of our minds, as to survival issues, relationship issues, day to day nuances, and the biggest question that keeps haunting us "OH GOD !! WHY ME, WHY ME?". Each of us were made to understand the reason of our birth, the journey of the soul through the 84 lac yoni's, the togetherness of all of us before the BIG BANG, and the reason of separation after the BIG BANG, how to reach the ultimate goal of life without any remorse of worry.
Sadguruji shared his personal experience to overcome all challenges in life, by inculcating the Attitude of Gratitude for each and every experience of our life, and the surrenderence to the Almighty, by accepting oneness with the Higher energy, thereby seeing that, whatever is happening in our life, is not only to us, but to the almighty as well "Tera Tujhko Arpan". With this attitude, Sadguruji overcame all of the most severe challenges that he has faced throughout his life and bounced back with 10 times more positive energy. This reminisces me of one more powerful Nirguni Bhajan of Kumar Gandharva, "Sunta Hai Guru Gyaani". Sadguruji was explaining the thoughts that were rattling in each of our minds, at regular intervals, with so much precision, that we didn't feel the need to ask him any questions. Sadguruji was in his impeccable flow of the Divine Wisdom, answering our questions, through his Vaani and by taking us into deep meditation sessions.
Lots of food for thought for each of the lucky kriyabaan's was served with interesting spread of wisdom.
But the Highlight of the camp was the deep emphasis on the most important aspect of Kriya Yoga...KRIYA BHAKTI YOGA, as Sadguruji strongly emphasized on the importance of BHAKTI YOGA, he shared that, one can be taught, everything, HATHA YOGA, KUNDALINI PRANAYAM, MANTRA YOGA, & DHAYANA YOGA, but Bhakti Yoga is something that has to come from within, and can never ever be taught to any body...but the importance of this One yoga "Bhakti Yoga" is so supreme, that if one doesn't learn any other yoga, but has developed tremendous "BHAKTI YOGA", then the higher energy finds it the easiest to shape the Sadhak and progress the sadhak towards his/her ultimate spiritual Goal. And to emphasize upon the deep relevance of this Utmost important aspect, Sadguruji shared innumerable examples of His Sadhana years in the Holy Himalayas, with the Greatest of the Greatest Sadguru, His Sadguru "Param Sadguru Sri Sri Mahavtar Babaji".
It was the best two days of our life to have experienced divinity in such closest quarters and experienced the unfound beauty of the Divine Love energy that our Beloved Ascended master, our Sadguruji, generously showered upon us.
Adjectives and words will still fall superbly short to narrate and describe the spell-bounding experience that we were privy to, in the Holy Presence of our Most Reverred "His Holiness Sadguru Yogiraj Sri Sri Mangeshda".
There were abundance of takeaways for each of us attending the pious Kriya Camp for all round development, but my personal take away from this pious Kriya Camp is "KRIYA IS LIFE, KRIYA IS BREATHE, KRIYA IS AND SHOULD ALWAYS BE THE CENTRE OF MY LIFE...MY RELEGION IS KRIYA BHAKTI YOGA,rest everything is my Reverred Sadguruji’s wish, that is manifesting in my life, for me to learn and progress and be a much better human being".
Thank you Sadguruji, these two small peony words of "thank you" are totally unjustified to express our deepest heartfelt attitude of gratitude to thy divine self, for sparing so much of your time, and valuable energy, only for the selfless intention, to bring about our spiritual growth, and carrying out thy Master's wish of spreading KRIYA YOGA for the benefit of HUMANKIND.