Gokulastami Mahasatsang

Gokulashtami Mahasatsang
"Krishna Leela"-A musical play, devised and directed by
His Holiness Sadguru Yogiraj Sri Sri Mangeshda
Summarization of event by Kriyaban Shri Ajoy Kumar
Gokulashtami is a very important landmark in the annals of Indian Mythology. The birth of Lord Krishna holds significant importance in the life of each and every practising Kriya Yogi in this world. As one tries to understand the knowledge in the eighteen chapters of the Holy Gita through the practice of Kriya Yoga...many births just pass by in assimilating all that is hidden in those chapters. In a way we can say that this knowledge was born never to die...Ever!

Gokulashtami was also a landmark this year for Sadguru Mangeshda Kriya Yoga Foundation as Sadguruji produced and presented the Ballet "Krishna Leela". Showcasing glimpses from the life of Krishna...He sent out the message that Krishna is alive in each one of us. The Eminent Himalayan Kriya Yoga Master used nine significant stages in the life of Krishna for this ballet. Starting from the divine prophecy and the birth of Krishna it spanned the lifting of Govardhan mountain, the death of the serpent Kalia, the Virat darshan, the naming ceremony of the Lord, the period of Makhan - Chor, the Raas Leela, the breaking of Dahi handi, the playing of the significant Flute. The entire ballet was performed by the members of the foundation who were trained by Sadguruji especially for the evening.

What was unique and awe-inspiring was the fact that all departments of the ballet were composed and directed by Sadguruji...be it the writing, the songs, the music, the choreography, the design of the lighting system, the props, narration, costumes etc.!! Added to that the immense love and patience in converting ordinary mortals into super stage performers!! He used five artists as Krishna to represent the five elements of our body and how each element plays its part inside us. The youngest of the artist being just one year old!!

Also the uniqueness was that for the first time ever, a ballet showed the meeting of Devaki and Yashoda along with baby Krishna...a master stroke by Sadguruji. The exchange of emotions shown by the two mothers was very special...the message of sacrifice and the nurturing of that which does not belong to you was breath taking. I don't think even Mythology had this part which Sadguruji weaved into this ecstasy!! Sadguruji introduced the African drum in the ballet, playing it himself, as he orchestrated the ballet participating along with the other musicians on the stage!! At the end we had the modern day gopalas and gopis dancing and participating in the Dahi Handi celebrations- the remnants of the glorious past! This is still a show of strength, balance and one point focus.
To sum it all... a magnificent Magnum Opus...one great birth and separation, nine great events, seven great songs, nine singers, twelve musical instruments, a stage of performers... all the same, as it was then, directed by the Lord himself!!
Thanks to all the performers, on and back stage! Thank you Devaki, Yashoda, Radha, the Krishnas, gopalas and gopis... you made us very proud! One and half hour of pure drama in poetry with the audience asking for more and more.
And for the Master...another chapter added in His book "Nothing is Impossible"... as He looks up to the new Dahi Handi and sets the new target for Himself!!