Annual Sports Day

This is always one of the most awaited days in the calendar year for all the SMKYFians. Everybody gets a chance to show the sporting talent. And this year was no exception. This was the first sports day when one felt that whether the sports were organised at a hill station. Nice cold weather due to unseasonal rains...... and what followed later was a mere joy. Cricket, Football, Athletics, games for kids, ladies, gents as well as for Younger(Senior) Citizens. Sports day is also a day when we get to watch the sporting talent of our Revered Sadguruji. Its sheer joy to watch Him play. The enthusiasm of all the people in the stadium is also stupendous. The cheer-leaders make it more special. The various home made & tasty food items take care of the hungry souls. Its always amazing ... and it continued to be ... this year as well.