Kriya Yoga Diksha at Dombivali

As narrated by Kriyaban Shri Manoj Nair:
A fantastic and glorious Sunday, just got concluded today, in the holy presence of Sadguru Mangeshda, on 10th Jan 2016 as a special day for Dombivili residents. Since SadguruMangeshda, bestowed the pious Kriya Yoga diksha for the first time in Dombivili itself at Vaibhav Mangal Karyalaya, Dombivili (West). This event is happening within 2 months after Sadguruji's visit to Dombivili in the month of Oct.15, to open the 91st Centre of SMKYF at Dombivili. Thank you Sadguruji for taking time out of your extremely hectic schedule, and blessing the chosen ones today, with the pious Kriyayoga diksha. Kriyayoga is the path of Discipline and Commitment, and Sadguruji, exhibited the true spirit of Kriyayoga by reaching the venue before time, and leaving the participants spell bound with his display of Hardcore Discipline and commitment to Kriyayoga. Sadguruji started the Diksha, on time,setting the expectation right amongst the participants, to instill the value of time.
Vaibhav Mangal Karyalay,was reverberating with the chants of pious namasmaran, which Sadguruji started, as he lit the diksha Lamp, and soon enough the entire building started resonating at very high energy levels , and the positive influx of energy was felt by everyone present in the vicinity. After the havan concluded, Dombivili centre sang some melodious bhajans to enthrall the crowd and everyone were chanting the namasmaran, of Digambara Digambara, in the already charged environment, further amplifying the energy field. soon after the Prasad distribution& paad puja, Sadguruji started the Kriyayoga, camp, where he explained the essence of the secret science of more than 5000 years old kriyayoga. He blended the ancient science with today’s hi-tech world and our fast paced lifestyle, in such a beautiful manner, that , all the participants were delighted to the core, after having known the positive benefits of this wonderful spiritual path, which is totally scientific in nature, 100% practical, and can be easily applied to ones day to day life,to achieve phenomenal success in all areas .The entire Kriyayoga camp, was made highly interesting and interactive by Sadguruji, through his use of timely humor and various anecdots, and practical sharings of Sadguruji. All this gave a lot of comfort to the reluctant participants and everybody participated whole-heartedly as the day progressed.
The arrangements for the entire Kriyayoga Diksha, was outstandingly flawless and noteworthy ,since the Dombivili centre totally rocked the event with their amazing teamspirit and bonding,tremendous unity,and flawless execution at the ground zero, ensuring that, every requirement is very well anticipated and provisioned for and everything is available seamlessly. The Devotion and dedication of the young,dynamic and vibrant dombivili centre was highly appreciated by Sadguruji and some strong plans for dombivili centre and the residents of dombivili,will be worked out by Sadguruji himself soon, and Upon the request of the entire team,Sadguruji,has agreed to come to Dombivili, again in the future for conducting some special workshops on Kriyayoga.
Seeing the highly charged up Dombivili team and the energy level felt in the area, the owner of Vaibhav Mangal Karyalay ,was very keen to come and meet Sadguruji and express his gratitude for blessing his hall,with Sadguruji's holy presence and conducting the most pious Kriyayoga diksha in their hall,thereby blessing their premises.
Sadguruji blessed him and gifted him with a coconut that was used by him for the pious Kriyayoga diksha.He was very touched with Sadguruji's gesture,and has requested Sadguruji to keep their hall on top priority for all programmes of Sadguruji in the future to be conducted in Dombivili.
All in all,a worthwhile and blessed Sunday,coupled with a wonderful display of the power of Kriya Bhakti yoga, by the team of Dombivili centre,running pillar to post, to ensure that ,when their beloved Master comes, they are ready to unconditionally serve his every wish and make the event a grand success..
Kudos to Pradeep, Vaibhav, Urmila, Bhagyashree, Ravi, Yogesh,and all other volunteers of SMKYF, who contributed, wholeheartedly, with a clear intention of making Sadguru Mangeshda's, maiden Kriyayoga diskha programme in Dombivili a grand success.
Thank you Sadguruji for blessing the chosen ones and honouring the prayers of thy Disciples,who called out to you with pure devotion and giving thy consent for Kriyayoga diksha in Dombivili.