Mahashivratri Mahasatsang & Kriya Yoga Diksha

Mahashivaratri is a very important day for all us Kriyabans. So is for all the devotees, spiritual aspirants. It's significant for us because our Sadguruji considers this as the turning point day in His life. He met His Sadguru on this very day….! And this was the day again after a few years, when our Sadguruji returned to worldly life with a mission to spread the science of Kriya Yoga as per the His Sadguruji's Vision.
Our Foundations always celebrates this pious and unique day with great enthusiasm. . The day started and ended with the divine Darshan of Revered Sadguruji.
The morning started with Pious Kriya Havan. A few lucky disciples got the rare blessing of Kriya Diksha. It is this day when disciples from around the world travel & other parts of India to Mumbai just to be with Sadguruji for a while. Disciples from across the Globe came to the Juhu Centre as well as to the Mayor's Hall in the evening to seek blessings from Revered Sadguruji. Those who attended the Havan felt the high energy in Juhu Centre. We welcome all the new Kriyabans who have joined this beautiful Global family and decided to chose the path of Kriya Yoga.
In the evening, Mahasatsang was organized at Mayor's Hall & everybody was all ears to listen to the Amritwani of Sadguruji. Those who witnessed these three hours in Mayor's Hall were fully recharged with Energy. The celebrations started as well reached the temporary pause with the chanting of OM NAMAH SHIVAY. The joy, happiness, energy, the feeling of oneness, the melody, the divinity... which everybody felt on that pious day; is still there with all of us. Mahashivaratri is always special for all of us...A special day for all Shishyas to strengthen the bond of GURU SHISHYA relationship. The energy of this day can actually be felt and it just amplifies with mere 'Darshan' of Sadguru Devata.
This time it was no different. The evening celebrations took the day to further high. Melodious Bhajan recitals by our Bhajan Mandali made the evening further special. All the singers offered their gratitude towards the GURUTATTVA & SHIVA-SHAKTI through their renditions. The Entire Bhajan Mandali Team did an awesome job & presented melodious swars. Heeraji's compering was commendable as usual. The audience also witnessed a very beautiful dance performance by Krishna and Sneha Bodake who depicted Nrityam of Lord Shiva & Goddess Parvati. This wonderful dance was choreographed by the master Himself.
Its always so nice and amazing to see a lot of in-house talent in the Foundation. And thanks to Sadguruji, everybody is getting a stage to showcase their talent. Its amazing experience and this can happen only in Sadguru Mangeshda Kriya Yoga Foundation.
Sadguruji was welcomed traditionally and one could immediately feel the increased energy levels in the packed auditorium. Sadguruji was felicitated by our dear and committed Kriyaban Haresh Tekchandani. Everybody was eagerly waiting for Sadguruji's aashirvachan. His blissful aashirvachan made the day for all of us. In His Amritwani, He stressed that Mahashivaratri is the most important day in His life as He met His Sadguruji and that changed His entire life. For Him, His Sadguruji is everything to Him, Lord Shiva to Him.
He talked about opposite qualities of Nector & Poison. He talked about SATSANG and KU-SANG. Negativity is also waiting for salvation & all the souls are progressing to spiritual experiences.
He also talked about various aspects of Lord Shiva. His Trident, indefinite flow of Ganga, His Blue Body, the snake around his Nake. He further mentioned that on the day of Mahashivaratri the energy levels are very high & one cal feel it & should take advantage of it. If we surrender to Lord Shiva with total devotion & surrenderence, Lord Shiva as a BHOLENATH will fulfill our wishes.
In the end all those present in the auditorium were given Bel-Patra in the hand & Sadguruji asked everyone to do continuous chanting of OM NAMAH SHIVAY and have a clear intention of what they desire. He clearly mentioned that He always prays for Global Peace and Oneness. In the end, Sadguruji offered all the Bel-patras on the Shivji's Pindi.
This is just a glimpse of His Amritwani…! The Divine Experience was much bigger & its difficult to narrate everything here. Surely, all the people present in the Mayor hall observed and experienced one of the memorable Mahashivratri celebrations.
Another special feature of the evening was release of a DVD – GURUVANI which contains His Amritvani. It’s indeed a must buy – must have DVD! This will enable thoughts of the Master reach masses. Special mention of Rajeev Raval & Suhas Patil who burnt mid-night oil for getting this DVD ready! Kudos to both!
Vote of thanks was given by Shri Prakash Irde. An awesome day of Mahashivratri celebrations was witnessed on that day by many. Sadguruji's blessings & grace made it all happen so smoothly. Thank You Guruji from the bottom of our hearts. Pranams to You! Kudos to all organisers for a wonderful team effort. These kind of special days and cherishable moments make these CELEBRATIONS a very very unique day.
The joy & divinity does not end here. Sadguruji has written a special blog on the occasion of MAHASHIVARATRI & the same is available on https://sadgurumangeshda.wordpress.com/ . This is indeed a very good media for all of us to connect to him and gain more and more wisdom from Him. This is indeed a MAHASHIVARATRI BLESSING for all of us from HIS HOLINESS.