Bi-annual Kriyaban Melava (Get-together)

Program details as narrated by Kriyaban Shri Manoj Nair
A beautiful,mesmerizing and enchanting Kriyabaan Melava, got concluded on 1st May.2016, at Marol Education Academy,Andheri (E), in the Holy presence of Revered Sadguru Mangeshda, coinciding with Maharashtra Day Celebrations.The day started with Sadguruji, reaching the venue in time,as scheduled at 7.30 am, and starting the programme on time, with the singing of the National Anthem,accompanied by the trustees of SMKYF. Sadguruji, started the Kriyabaan melava, by emphasizing on the importance of two vital aspects of success.
- Effective Time Management
- Commitment Levels.
Both these key aspects are important to determine, success and failure in a person's life.Sadguruji set the tone for the melava,by emphasizing on the importance of fitness,both physical and mental, for an individuals overall well-being.He started the Kriya hatha Yoga practice with his signature punchline,"One should be fit enough to fit into any outfit". Lots of humour and anecdotes from Sadguruji,kept on flowing right from morning till the close of the day, to fuel interest amongst all his disciples, to practice Kriyayoga Sadhana regularly, without any apprehensions. Sadguruji, emphasized on the importance of effective stress management, through Kriya Yoga sadhana,by increasing one's energy levels and being receptive to the energy. Sadguruji firmly emphasized on the power&capacity of a Kriyabaan. Each kriyabaan is equal to 100 people, and he meant what he said, by sharing the minute details of certain Kriyas and Kundalini pranayams, all the kriyabaans present for the melava, were surprised to experience their heightened energy levels, having spent the entire day from 7.30am to 6.30pm, and still feeling charged and energetic, with Sadgurujis‬ grace. That is the power of Kriya Yoga.
Sadguruji firmly emphasized on the quality of one's sadhana, rather than quantity of sadhana.again and again,Sadguruji stressed upon, the simplicity of Kriyayoga sadhana, by saying that, what matters is not how much duration one sat for the sadhana and mechanically practiced the Kriya's, rather, it makes more sense, to do kriya by enjoying the kriya's more.One can even do it in breaks,but what matters is continuity and regularity. Sadguruji also stressed upon, the role of Kriya Kundalini pranayams,before the start of the sadhana, and how effective it is,if one practices pranayams for a longer duration, before doing,the Kriya sadhana, to derive maximum advantage out of the sadhana. Lot of detailing that Sadguruji did, was a big eye opener for the new and the oldest alike.

Sadguruji mentioned time and again,that it doesn't matter how many years,one has spent with him, for Him,every one is equal in his eyes.And true to his word, he selected 2 wonderful anchors for the event,Priyanka Patil and Rupali Deshmukh, Priyanka being the oldest and Rupali being the recently blessed kriyabaan.He gave them clear guidelines as to what is expected from both of them, and gave them full freedom to plan and visualize the entire event from start to finish. And as blessed by Sadguruji, both the anchors did a splendid job of hosting the kriyabaan melava,with fantastic hosting skills, a very interactive and lively programme,with lot of variety, and well planned flow of the entire programme.
Sadguruji made some very important announcements regarding his ambitious plans for the foundation. Most important and very dear to his heart is the upcoming MahaAbhiyaan of "Avayavdaan",Sadguruji has taken up this project of "organ donation",after the grand success of our SMKYF's "eye pledge we pledge" campaign, because he feels very dearly for this project.As a karma yogi, we are to give back to the society that we live in, and our body, post our death, can be of great help and use to other humans who can be benefited with various organs being donated to them, rather than burying or burning the body. Merely going to temples and praying and again doing the same deeds, is unfruitful,rather it, makes more sense to do things that are useful for the society and for the welfare of human beings. Another big announcement from Sadguruji, was the appointment of Kriyabaan Sunil Hakhu as the President- North India of SMKYF.
As the day progressed, all the participants got a run down on the various event of our SMKYF, in the last one year, and the glimpses of the precious "Jewel Of India" award that was conferred on Sadguruji for his unending selfless work in the fields of Yoga, education and Social Activities for over 45 years. It was a very proud moment for all the disciples to witness the glimpses of the recently concluded award ceremony in Delhi. As a special token of their love and appreciation to Sadguruji, all the children of SMKYF presented Sadguruji with roses. The day ended with a very deep and intense meditation, by Sadguruji, which was very refreshing and energizing and the icing on the cake,was the soulful bhajans sung by Sadguruji and the musical wing of SMKYF, the bhajans were very melodious and pious,spreading the divine feeling of bhakti ras,in the jam packed auditorium. All the kriyabaans who had come from far and wide, all the way from US, Canada, Bangalore, Gujrat, Goa, Pune, Hyderabad, etc were totally estatic ,having attended the Melava, since they don't get to see and meet Sadguruji every Sunday. and the detailing that Sadguruji gave in the full day,was very insightful and informative, thereby simplifying the notions and obstacles in the kriyayoga sadhana of all disciples.
Thank you Very Much Sadguruji, for taking time out from thy Hectic schedule ,and spending the entire day with all your disciples,personally monitoring the progress of each of your disciples and simplifying the techniques for everyones daily sadhana.
These kind of Melava's are never to be missed and one needs to take maximum advantage of Sadguruji's presence and his powerful teachings of Kriya Yoga.
Thank you Sadguruji for the wonderful day spent with thou. Jai Gurudev. SMKYF Organisers