Residential Kriya Yoga Camp

Glimpses of the much awaited two days residential Kriya Yoga camp, conducted by H.H. Sadguru Yogiraj Dr. Mangeshda at the serene Sadguru Mangeshda Kriya Villa (near Khopoli), a beautiful place designed for peaceful spiritual Sadhana. The camp was conducted from 9th to 10th Mar 2019. Selected disciples were in for a great spiritual treat, where the Himalayan Master shared many secret Kriya Yoga techniques throughout the two days. Sadguruji also shared various healing techniques, including the importance of navel and the work to be done on the navel. Apart from Kriya Asanas, Kriya Kundalini pranayams the participants reveled in the bliss of Meditation on the Chakras, Tratak and many techniques for spiritual progress. Sadguruji patiently answered all doubts and guided His disciples to fasten the pace of their Spiritual evolution.