Mahashivratri Mahasatsang

Glimpses of the Mahashivratri Mahasatsang on 4th Mar 2019. It was a beautiful evening in the divine presence of H.H. Sadguru Yogiraj Dr. Mangeshda. The program showcased the highly talented Kriyabans from Sadguru Mangeshda Kriya Yoga Foundation performing melodious bhajans. H.H. Sadguruji's Amrutvani was the highlight of the evening. He scientifically busted the superstitions and gave people the exact directions to proceed on ones Spiritual journey. Namasmaran of 'Om Namah Shivaya!' was so powerful yet very soothing that it took everyone to a very deep level and the prayer and intention with belpatra was very intense. Kriyabans from USA, Singapore, London, Hyderabad, Bangalore, New Delhi, Chennai etc. where present to listen to Sadguruji's discourse and receive His blessings.