Residential Kriya Yoga Camp at Spiritual Village

The residential Kriya Camp under the supervision of His Holiness Sadguru Yogiraj Sri Sri Mangeshda is a true bliss. Those who attended & experienced these three days with Him.... will never forget this divine session. Sadguruji was in super flow. One of the features of this Camp was Vipassana. And that was just out of the world. It was sheer pleasure to practice this ancient science of Kriya under His watchful eyes. Sadguruji also taught few new techniques and to put the same in the words is truly difficult.
The serene atmosphere of the Ashram added its own colours to the overall session. "Whatever you think intensely, it will happen. Let Kriya be the core of your life & then witness the divinity." was the takeaway from this session from Sadguruji! The experiences shared by Revered Sadguruji made this session more special. A lot can be said & written, but those who experienced it, are really blessed. THANK YOU SADGURUJI for these special moments. Jai Ho ! Jai Gurudev!