Foundation's 88th Center Opening & Kriya Yoga Diksha at Bangalore

On Jan 17th, Bengaluru witnessed the opening of the 88th centre of Sadguru Mangeshda Kriya Yoga Foundation at Whitefield. It was an important occasion as Bengaluru was the place where Government of Karnataka had felicitated H.H. Sadguru Yogiraj Sri Sri Mangeshda for his contribution to yoga and fitness for more than 4 decades. The Satsang started with melodious bhajans by Ms. Sharmila Kumble, Shri. Sandeep Yederi and Smt. Supriya Pathak, well accompanied on tabla by Master Prithvish Kumble and Smt.Sangeeta Bhatkal.
The most awaited moment arrived as Sadguruji officially inaugurated the 88th centre in presence of a packed audience. Sadguruji instantly connected with the audience with His Amrutvani. He spoke of the challenges of the modern world and encouraged people to remain physically and mentally fit.He explained the 'Eye of the Cyclone' and shared few anecdotes about His life which was instantly lapped up by the audience. They were amazed by the way Sadguruji fought head on a life threatening disease with the powerful techniques of Kriya Yoga. Thus validating the theory of sailors that the safest place during the cyclone is the centre and not at the periphery. He also shared some anecdotes of His fight against superstitious beliefs.
There was a lot of buzz about Kriya Yoga and it's benefits and Sadguruji nicely explained the 5 fold path, the science of Kriya Yoga, breathing techniques, its simplicity and its far reaching positive effects. Being a practioner's path, regular practice leads to better health, good concentration focus, therefore high energy levels. With high energy levels, a person can not only succeed in his/her business/career, but also lead a well balanced domestic, socialand spiritual life.
The Satsang ended with a vote of thanks by Shri. Ravindra Pathak, organiser of the centre. Shri Vivek Mashroo was the compere of the well attended event.
The next day (January 18th 2015), Sadguurji bestowed the pious Kriya Diksha to selected participants. Immediately after the diskha, team learnt the secret techniques of Kriya in a full day session.
The enthusiastic and curious participants indulged in a Q&A session leading to an interactive Kriya Yoga Camp.
Kudos to all the organisers led by Shri Ravindra Pathak and the entire Bengaluru team for organising such a wonderful and memorable event.