Residential Kriya Yoga Camp at Hyderabad

Parampujya Sadguru Yogiraj Sri Sri Mangeshdaji blessed Hyderabad on the weekend with His spiritual showers via a two day Kriya Yoga camp. The lucky participants from Hyderabad, Warangal and Karimnagar were in bliss soaking up the Love and Energy pouring from Him.
The Master effortlessly guided His disciples through the ancient sacred techniques of Kriya Yoga. The asans, pranayams and meditation techniques took us all to a new level of awareness. But it was not just about sitting on the floor cross legged for hours. Sadguruji's incomparable wit, innovative meditation techniques (like walking meditation) and interesting discussion sessions kept us all alert and fresh throughout the two day camp.
Even though the camp was held in a resort that was understandably crowded on the weekend with various corporate events, it felt like we were in the 'eye of the cyclone' amidst all the noise and chatter outside.
Thank You Sadguruji for Your Love, Encouragement and Guidance and for making this event a success.
Thank you Hareshji for your support and help. Thank you to all the organisers from Hyderabad, Warangal and Karimnagar centres. It was a perfect example of teamwork and coordination. Finally, a big thank you to all our participants from Warangal and Karimnagar centres who travelled long distances to attend the memorable event.
Summarization of the Kriya camp provided by Kriyaban Shri. Vikram Duvvuri.